Tuesday 9 September 2014

Theories: Carol vernallis

 Carol Vernallis- The kindest cut

- Vernallis analyzed editing in music videos and in Hollywood film.
- Vernallis identified exact specific approaches to each video and film.

Music videos:

  • Lots of different narrative strand/ paths are used in a music video showed by the performance.This is different in a Hollywood film there is a clear single strand.
  • the order of shots are unconventional, a shift that is more free between shots. Absence of a proper order of shots. This is different in a Hollywood film where there would be an order that is conventionally always followed for example: an establishing shot for the opening of the film.
  • Time, space character and the narrative are revealed slowly throughout the video instead of a definite knowing of all those things prior to watching it. however this is different in a Hollywood film where the audience would already know the time period and the characters present.
  • Discontinuity, meaning for example pop videos draw the audience away from the narrative to base it on other structures. Continuity is used in films to draw the audience to the actual narrative which is the main aspect.
  • Visual hooks are present in music videos and this creates continuity, however non continuous shots that are linked by a single feature/image.

Radioactive- Imagine Dragons: In this video it is clear that the order of shot is unconventional. The video starts with a high angled shot that shows a long long shot of a person walking towards the audience. This is the opening of the video and did not give us an establishing shot towards the audience where this video is set neither was there any indication of a time set. We then say the characters face wearing the blue hoodie, however theres still no indication of who she is or who she represents. Also the content of the box is a mystery until the end of the video.

Theory: Shots of artist within a music video will encourage the audience to piece together the image of the artist, this is called a phantasmagorical body ( a body made up in our mind from various shots given).

Rihanna- Diamonds: In this clip this theory is present due to the Phantasmagorical body i had whilst watching the first minute of this music video. It begins showing mainly her fingers, showing us the audience that she is more of an adult artist due to her fake nails. then it progressed to a shot of her hand to her elbow in water. then we partly saw the female artists face in low key lighting, however her shoulder was more lit up showing her tattoo. This is an example of this theory as we saw features of the artist body before we saw a long shot/ full body of shot, showing exactly what the artist looked like.

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