Calvin Harris- Summer
This is the establishing shot of the music video. This is a road and starts a tracking shot also. This suggests a journey, making the song a journey.
This tube chop shows the audience this tracking shot through the road, leading to a groups of people and cars.
After the tube chop the lyrics start as it cuts to this woman. This woman dresses to attract and as the words suggest: "when i met you in the summer" makes the audience feel there's an involvement of a story....

However, the artist Calvin Harris then appears on the screen with a white t shirt on, which suggest innocence. This could be to confuse the audience or to make the audience feel as if Calvin Harris is represented as a nice innocent person.
The tracking hot continues as it follows him in a diagonal angle, although zooming out. This shows a loose frame and a long shot with him as the only appearance. This can imply to the audience that he may be feeling alone. Due to this the audience may feel a sense of sympathy for the artist. This is how the artist has chose to represent himself because of his appearance in his music video telling the narrative.
In this clip of the music video it shows editing. The artist isn't seen as the most important/ the protagonist in this video. This is shown through the pas of the shots. The attractive women is left on the screen longer giving it a slow cut and when if cuts to the artist he is on for a limited amount of time making this a fast cut.
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